GI effects Comprehensive Profile
Me GI Effects Comprehensive Stool Profile is an advanced stool test that provides immediate, actionable clinical information for the management of gut health. Zang the most innovative technologies available. Nis ground-breaking stool test offers:
SCR lbolymerase Chain Reaction), a molecular assay optimized for stool testing assesses 24 commensal bacteria associated in the scientific Literature with health antl isease, and provides valuable insight into the human rnicrobiome
Lalprotectin, a biornarker that effectively differentiates between Irritable Bowel. Syndrome OBS) and Inflammatory Bowel. Disease (IED) (ova & parasite), the gad standard for parasite identification

Enhanced Test Reporting that inctudes an Interpretation Aba-Glance overview that highlights clinically actionable biornarkers in three key areas of gut health: Infection, Inflammation, and Imbalance (Metabolic) Gastrointestinal function is critical for good health. Emerging evidence has associated overall el function and gut microbiome status wit a wide variety of common illnesses inctuding,
- Autism
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Autoimunune
- Mood Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Inflammatory Bow Disease (11317)
- Celiac and Other Malabsorption giso.ers
Food Allergy Profile
aLLergy SCreenIng FOCa allergen may oe essociated with depression, anxiety, headaches, fatigue, joint pains and ntestinat problems, etc the incidence of food sensitivities has increased dramatically over the years It is estimated that up to 20% of the population have adverse reactions to foods, USAID enteropathy, and post-infectious Irritable PowetSynchorne (IBS). ncreased totatantigenic toad related to food and environmental sensitivities las been associated with a wide range of medical conditions affecting virtually went P.,. hod}, }Mood and behavior, incLucling hyperactivity disorders in Mitchen are profoundly influenced by food allergies.

Body Bio Blood Chemistry Test
This blood test uses a narrow reference range and sets new standards in clinical diagnosis for underlying health conditions, which are missed by standard blood tests. This allows the physician to uncover underlying biochemical imbalances and deficiencies Nutritional inadequacies can contribute to a variety of chronic health conditions. Ctiniral indicatkms for testing include:

- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Migraine
- Depression
- Mood Disorders
- Musculoskeletal
- Cardiovascular Risk
- Digestive Complaints
- Weight Issues/Dietary Guidance
- Chronic Pain/Inflammatory Conditions
- General Health and Sports Fkness Optimization
Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment
From a fasting blood sample, to analyses, two ratios antl a comprehensive cardiovascular index are determined. These markers include those recently identified as important modifiers of heart disease, along with traditional. HDL, LDL total cholesterol and triglycerides. Ideal for individuals with a family history of heart disease and high cholesterol.
This test also analyzes lipoprotein(a), homocysteine, apotipoprotein apolipoprotein 8, fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein.,

Adrenal Stress Index

I he CeeellefOrte% arreSS Melee IS a COaVealeat. atalleVaISIVe sauvary ea, that eValhatee the 1310aCeVe reVee aae latelreLatleaShle Oethe Dee, 11,0hare stress hormones, cortisol and PHEA This proble serves as an insightful tool for uncovering biochemical imbalances that can be associated with anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, obesity, dysglycemp, antl a host of other clinical:conditions There is no ideal specimen type for measuring hormones since there are advantages to each, depending on clinic. goals. In the case of stress hormones, inert Salivary testing assesses unbound, biologically-active levels of the .1lowing hormones
Cortisol is released in large amounts in response to physical, physiological and/or psychological stressors. A glucocorticoid response that is elevated, extended, or inadequate can impair a persorfs adaptation to stress, increase or decrease HPA-axis activity and is considered a health risk. Due to the circadian pattern of coresol release, sequential timed measurements of cortisol provide the hest tracking of overall cores. production.
OHEA In contrast to cortisol, DHEA exerts mostly anabolic actions and balances the body’s stress response. DHEA functions to provide substrate for the synthesis of sex hormones, guards against degenerative conditions associated with aging, influences immune function and energy production, antl affects insulin sensitivity, thyroid function, and protein synthesis. CortisolDHEA-When compared to traditional blood testing of adrenal hormones, salivary assessment offers severatadva.ages:
- Uncovers abnormal patterns of cortisoL release over a awhour period, which may be addressed with customized therapeutic interventions.
- Hormone levels measured in saliva, rather than serum, are thought to be unbound and bioavailable.
- Convenient at-home collection of four sativary samples collected throughout the day is an ideal Low-stress diagnostic for assessing diurnal variation in stress hormones.
- Facilitates follow-up testing to monitor therapy responses, especially when multiple samples are required to be conected over a period of time.
Salivary adrenal hormone testing may uncover biochemical imbalances, oddch can adversely affect
- Steep
- Mood
- Energy
- Weight Cent
- Immune Defense
- Thyroid Function
- Resistance M Stress
- Cardiovascular Hearth
CDSA and Parasitology
Comprehensive stoottest evaluates gastrointestinal function, digestion, a. nutrient absorption. Evaluates intestinal intruders. Benefits those with chronic gastrointestinal. problems.
This stootanalysis evatuates
- Digestion/Absorption Markers.
- Gut Metabolic Markers.
- Gut Microbiology Markers.
- Goki standard O. lova & parasite) technology as well as EIA (EnGime Immunoassay) for identification of common parasites Evidence suggests that both lobal antl systemic health issues may begin as imbalances in gastrointestinal function. Some of the consequences of finbatanced gastrointestinal health are:

- Makagestion
- Malabsorption
- Irritable Bowel. Syndrome (IBS)
- Altered GI immune function
- Bacterial/fungal. overgrowth
- Chronic dysbiosis
Metabolic Dysglycemic Profile
Reveals early signs of diabetes, syndrome X, and related chronic degenerative conditions. Assesses dysglycernia, insulin resistance, protein glycation antl hormonal balance. Uncovers metabolic imbalances for sugar craving, confusion, low energy, obesity, stress sensitivity and binge eating. Metabolic Syndrome
- High Triglycerides
- Low VIOL Low HDL
- HyperMnsion
- High Glucose
- Increased waist circumference
- Prevalence-Pc% adults in U.S.
Hormone Evaluation Panel
Monitoring your hormone levels may help you uncover crucial imbalances linked to aging, PMS, menstrual problems, low sex drive, fatigue, mood swings, night sweats and hot flashes, etc. A hormone profile is an excellent way to monitor a safe hormone replacement program.
The scientific literature confirms that hormone imbalances can be associated with common symptoms such as:

- Hot flashes
- Mood instability
- Anxiety
- Fatigue
- Cognition
- Weight gain
- Low sex drive and performance issues
- Sleep disturbances
- Altered fat metabolism
- Altered blood-sugar control
- Vaginal atrophy
- Hair Loss
2/16 Alpha Metabolite Estrogen Ratios Test
This test answers the concern of today’s women, who want to know, “What can I do to decrease my risk of breast cancer?” This urine test evaluates various forms of estrogen derivatives that are potentially harmful in women.
- Low ratio = associated with increased risk of breast and prostate cancer, lupus of breast and prostate cancer, lupus (Kabat GC (Kabat GC 2006, Muti P 2002, Weidler C 2004)
- High ratio = associated with increased risk of bone loss in women with low estrogen (e.g.,menopause); however, women on HT with high ratio actually show superior bone mineral density response to estrogen mineral density response to estrogen.
By accurately identifying specifically selected genetic variants in any patient, a Genovations™ laboratory profile provides a “glimpse” into a person’s potential health future, thus empowering the client to modify the expression of disease years before an “anticipated” or possible condition even begins to develop.
- Identify inherited risks within families
- Modify gene expression through targeted individualized interventions
- Patient privacy, our clinics and spas are dedicated to safeguarding the confidentiality of all client informationCurrently GENOVATIONS™ testing is available in four specialized areas:
Cardio Genomic Profile identifies SNPs that influence your body’s regulation of blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, blood clotting, protective vitamin/nutrient metabolism, and other important factors. This panel focuses on uncovering powerful relationships between diet, nutrition, and cardio-vascular risk unique to your body.
Osteo Genomic Profile measures genetic variations that influence the rate that bone tissue breaks down. These SNPs can alter your body’s ability to utilize important bone-building nutrients like Vitamin D and calcium. This information can help determine whether you may need more than just standard therapy to effectively prevent “brittle bone” disease as
Immuno Genomic Profile evaluates SNPs that can influence how your immune system functions. This test provides insight into chronic disorders characterized by inflammation and/or over-reactive immune response. These include muscle and joint pain, allergy, asthma, digestive complaints, fibromyalgia, etc.
Detoxi Genomic Profile measures genetic mutations that affect how your body processes and eliminates toxins. This can reveal the cause of adverse drug reactions. It can also identify people whose bodies are, by nature, more “chemically sensitive,” or who may be more prone to the damaging effects or carcinogens, free radicals, and oxidative stress. These genes also control your body’s innate ability to adequately clear the environmental chemicals that can cause cellular damage and cancer.